HRASmart (Health Reimbursement)

A component of our EZERISA DocSmart Solution Suite, our EZERISA HRASmart Document Solution will give you a simple way through EZERISA’s DocSmart Portal to create and maintain your Health Reimbursement Account (Arrangement) document.  If you maintain an HRA, avoid the common mistake and the violation of law to fail to have it properly documented!  The EZERISA solution provides your company with an easy-to-use HRA document with all of the options you need.  With your EZERISA HRASmart Documentation Subscription, you will receive:

  • Health Reimbursement Account Plan and Summary Plan Description Unified Document HRA amounts and any limitations determined by the Employer.
  • EZERISA DocSmart Portal Technology
  • EZERISA AdviceSmart Compliance Intelligence Technology
  • Warranty!

FAQs - Health Reimbursement Account

Why do I need a health reimbursement plan document?

If you sponsor a Health Reimbursement Account (sometimes referred to as Arrangement) and you do not have an up-to-date Plan Document and Summary Plan Description, you are failing to meet the legal requirements. HRAs are an employee benefit subject to the ERISA law and as such, a Plan Document is required by ERISA Section 402 and a Summary Plan Description is required by ERISA Section 102. Also, this documentation is important to make sure that your employees have the proper guidance regarding the reimbursements and what is covered and what is not.

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