EZERISA ComplySmart Services, is the industry-leading ERISA Compliance Document Solution for compliant ERISA Wrap Documents, Cafeteria, Health Reimbursement Documents and HIPAA Policies powered by our exclusive EZERISA AdviceSmart Compliance Intelligence Guidance Technology that’s built into our easy-to-use compliance subscription portal and backed by a warranty against penalties and audit.

Easy-To-Use WrapSmart Documents
Our easy-to-use process is Smart designed with step-by-step guided document creation allows you to create compliant plan documents. Our user-friendly process is the Best in Class for all users and it is Smart, easy and quick!
Smart Guided
Our technology-forward approach to Compliance begins with Real-Time Intelligent Guidance Technology built into our portal that eliminates confusion and reduces your risks during the self-guided document creation interviews and digital compliance consultancy checklists.
AdviceSmart Digital Compliance Guidance is built into the ComplySmart Services Suite through industry-leading technology that transfers our experience and knowledge of ERISA, HIPAA, ACA into every EZERISAPlan.com service.
InsurTechSmart Smart Broker Services
InsurTechSmart is our effort to provide leading tools to the Insurance Industry supporting the industry-wide InsurTech call to action; an initiative to modernize from a manual, paper-dominated past with new technologies that increase efficiency and quality.
EZERISA University Compliance Education
Compliance Training from our EZERISA University, EZERISA Boot Camps, and our EZERISA Coffee Compliance Break Webinar Series that make broker teams more knowledgeable and successful in providing value-adding client insight.
RevenueSmart Advice & Strategies
EZERISA RevenueSmart consulting provides new controls over Compliance costs and Revenue; allowing you to hedge unpredictable business environments to better control increasing business pressures and maintain and expand your revenue base.
Your EZ ERISA Plan Wrap Document is backed by our industry-leading warranty which includes Warranty against Penalties and our Audit Legal Services Protection! You and your advisors and service providers are protected as long as you are a subscriber!
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